If you’re young and African and looking to understand the Tech sector on the continent, this publication is for you!

A few things to expect from this publication:

  1. Industry insights to help you up-skill and get familiar with the most relevant topics in Tech today

  2. Practical guides, tips, and tricks on career development and switching into Tech as a non-technical professional

  3. Person Profiles on people with incredible and unique careers within Tech. This series is designed to inspire you to go out there and tailor your career path to your needs

  4. Company profiles that will help you get a glimpse into Tech companies, their culture, and ways of working

And much more…

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Careers&things supports individuals to discover, transition into, and thrive in digital and future-focused careers. We write about low-code tech careers, future-focused sectors and opportunities, personal development, and related things!


I write about how to think about career development, Careers in Tech... and things!