The Next 10 years: Looking to the distant future & getting ready today!
Last year, I made one of my most life altering decisions yet. I decided to leave a company I’d worked for for almost four years, journey…
Last year, I made one of my most life altering decisions yet. I decided to leave a company I’d worked for for almost four years and journey on to find what I was truly passionate about and joined the Tech revolution!
It’s been just under a year and the pieces of the puzzle are finally starting to come together to form an interesting perspective on the importance of future proofing yourself, the journey to finding your purpose and trusting your voice. They’re also beginning to come together on how to understand the Tech revolution, what is actually is/means and how it will likely impact the youth of this continent.
In the last year, I’ve met the most incredible people doing the most interesting things, I’ve had the absolute privilege to travel internationally for work and work in various African countries.Overall, there exists gap between those who work in, experience and learn from what I call ‘spaces of the future’ and those who might not be aware of them or who are but don’t know how to access them.
I’ve since decided to write about what I’ve learned so far on my journey for a number of reasons.
The continent of Africa is the youngest continent in the world, with an average age below 25. For me, this means there are millions of people right now, with both grand and modest ambitions, struggling through trying to understand their place in the world, both personally and professionally.
Like me, there are millions of people who are naturally curious. People who like to look to the world and the many advances and would like to understand what it means for them, their lives and the lives of their loved ones as well as their prospects.
Lastly, all these people are looking for super practical and attainable accounts on how to get ready for and participate in this future!
So I’ve decided to start off by committing to writing a 5 part series entitled Africa Next 10.
Africa Next 10 is a written series which seeks to explore the latest trends in the world, how they might be affecting young Africans and how we should all be getting ready for the change. We explore topics around personal development, big trends in ways of working, new technologies and various socially mindful topics which are affecting our lives today. Africa Next10 then provide insights, life hacks and thoughts on how we can begin to get ourselves positioned to take on future opportunities and thrive!
Africa Next10 believes that we need to always be looking into the distant future to inform our next steps and never let go of our youthful curiosity. The stories about personal and professional development in the face of our current realities as African youth and future global trends.